When do I pay my HOA dues?

  • HOA dues are due twice a year: the end of January and the end of July.  Payments can be mailed monthly or bi-annually.

Payments should be submitted to:
Lea Terra Park Homeowner’s Association
7925 SW Connemara Terrace, Beaverton, OR 97008-6978

        • Please note this is a mailing address not a physical address. You must mail your dues! 

When are Homeowner Association meetings?

  • The board meets the third Tuesday of each month.  Homeowners are welcome to attend. Please contact one of the board members for information.
  • The annual Homeowners Association meeting is held in October.  You will receive meeting information via US mail a month before the meeting date. The date is announced in the newsletter as well.

When do I need to get HOA approval for home improvements?  What forms do I need submit? How far in advance does the HOA need to have them? Why does my contractor need to sign the paperwork?  

When does my house get painted?  

  • Your home is painted every 8 years. You will receive notice from the HOA Board when it is your painting year. The painting schedule is available online: Painting Schedule

When is landscaping done?  

  • The landscapers service Lea Terra Park weekly. Contact the landscape chair for any specific needs. Please DO NOT talk to the landscapers directly.